Missionary Position Porn COMIC Megastore H 2007-01 Oldvsyoung
コミックメガストアH 2007年1月号
#5387 - The train pulls away and now you find enough room to turn round, disappointment flows through you as you realise one of the people who got off the train was your mystery hand! Trembling now you turn back to your sister who has a questioning look in her eyes, without her asking you lean in and whisper ‘no I don’t know who it was’ as she gasps you feel her hand touch the front of your skirt and realise that your juices have soaked it where the hand had been. The train lurches for a third time and the hand disappears, this time you have to step forward to stop yourself falling over, as the train moves off you stand nervously with your legs slightly apart. Clubbing in the city isn’t so bad you tell your friends when they keep asking why you do it, ‘Why do I do it?’ you ask yourself for the tenth time as you and you sister stand on the crowded platform waiting for the tube home.
Read Missionary Position Porn COMIC Megastore H 2007-01 Oldvsyoung COMIC Megastore H 2007-01
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