#377950 - This had provided him with a burning sexual fixation for women in uniform in general, and attractive white women like Louise in Royal Naval uniforms in particular! This appearance was how they looked as their motor launch docked in the small port of Mogadishu that night! It was a short ride from the dock in the embassy limousine followed by their being ushered in! There was very little diplomatic fan fair or pleasantries as the idea of the new British ambassador, that was an opportunist, as well as a sexual pervert! One that wanted to use attractive English women, to curry favors by putting them in the presence of these nasty immoral politician's and equally sexually sadistic warlords, ones that derived pleasure from sexual torture and humiliation on others, especially women! They were introduced by the ambassador to these lechers more like ladies in perverted waiting as opposed to naval officers! For Louise and Vanessa it was quite startling as these men made little effort to
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